Risk Management Policy
The Risk Management Policy section includes the following topics.
- Risk Management Policy
- Risk Management Program Staffing
- Risk Management Program Rules and Regulations
- Health and Safety Inspections
- Accident Investigation
- Employee Health and Safety Training
- Accident Reports and Record Keeping
- Health and Safety Committee
- Personal Protective Equipment Procedures
- Medical and Health Management
- Emergency Preparedness Procedure
- Preventive Maintenance Program Policy
- Employee Health and Safety Promotion Program
- Fire/Safety/Health Procedural Information
- Employee Assistance Program
- Program Evaluation Policy
Frostburg State University considers its personnel to be among its most important and valuable assets and realizes that the health and well-being of its employees, as well as the protection of its physical resources, are as important as the work activities being performed. Frostburg State University seeks to protect human and physical resources by reducing or eliminating, where possible, potential health and physical hazards; increasing employee awareness of hazards that cannot be easily eliminated; and encouraging the use of common sense in conducting work activities safely.
Frostburg State University recognizes its responsibility for providing its employees with a safe and healthful work environment and is committed to meeting its obligations under federal and state requirements, national safety standards and all applicable building and fire codes. It is also committed to meeting standards of national consensus such as those published by the National Safety Council, National Fire Protection Association, and the American National Standards Institute.
In recognition of these obligations, the University is implementing and actively supporting the provisions of the Maryland State Employee Risk Management Program in accordance with Executive Order 01.01.1989.15. The campus coordinator of this program is the Director of Human Resources.
Safety cannot be the responsibility of any one person or department. All supervisors will implement progressive discipline for safety violations. Supervisors will be held responsible for safety conditions and proper training of safety standards within their areas of responsibility. Therefore, each employee is required to comply with the Employee Risk Management Program. Accidental injuries will be thoroughly investigated, and preventive measures will be implemented to guard against their recurrence.
Jonathan C. Gibralter
Members of the Risk Management Committee are the President and the Executive Committee. The Health and Safety Committee is comprised of a cross-section of eleven campus employees. For a complete list of the Health and Safety Committee, call x4897.
Safety cannot be the sole responsibility of any one individual or department. It is the responsibility of all employees of the institution, and therefore, every employee of the University will participate in risk management efforts.
The Risk Management Committee is charged with setting safety and risk management policy at the highest level. It consists of the President, the Provost, and the Vice Presidents for Student and Educational Services, Administration and Finance, University Advancement and Enrollment Management.
The Health and Safety Committee recommends policy to the Risk Management Committee, makes safety inspections, analyzes accident reports, and trends, and serves as a forum for campus safety issues. Its members consist of the Director of Human Resources, Safety Officer, an Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration, a faculty representative, a professional representative of the Office of Human Resources, a clerical representative, a Housekeeping Supervisor, an Assistant Director of Facilities and two representatives from the trade group or the labor pool.
The Risk Management Coordinator is the Director of Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources Safety Officer is the alternate program coordinator.
Every employee of supervisory rank will participate in the risk management effort by enforcing safety standards in his or her area. However, all employees are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.
Safety rules and regulations are needed to supplement training, to supply a source of authority and reference, and to form the basis for disciplinary action. Every employee is required to follow applicable rules and regulations as outlined in the appropriate manuals and policies delineated below:
The FSU Employee Safety Programs and Risk Management Manual was revised by the Office of Human Resources. A copy will be distributed in the future to each newly hired employee during final confirmation of employment at the Office of Human Resources.
The University of Maryland Fleet Management Policies and Procedures Manual is available for review at the Stangle Service Building or the Public Safety Building, and a condensed copy is part of the vehicle sign-out sheets.
The State of Maryland Substance Abuse Policy, which is distributed to every employee by the Office of Human Resources.
Personal Protective Equipment Policies, Rules, Regulations and Procedures as developed and promulgated by individual departments.
National Fire Protection Association Fire Evacuation Procedures as promulgated by the State Fire Code.
All applicable Maryland Occupational Safety and Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards, which may be reviewed at the Office of Human Resources Safety Office.
The rules and regulations of the Maryland Asbestos Program, which may be reviewed at the Director of Facilities Office and the Office of Human Resources Safety Office.
Health and safety inspections focus on two areas of accident prevention concern: the condition of the physical facilities and the work behavior of the employees.
University Police Officers will conduct formal inspection of each campus building on a quarterly (every three months) basis. Public and communal areas will be inspected for fire safety, proper lighting, safe use of electricity, trip and fall hazards, occupational safety devices and conditions, housekeeping, and personal protection in the workplace. A written report of each inspection will be submitted to the Office of Human Resources Safety Officer, who will coordinate any necessary corrective action and make a follow-up inspection.
Student residence hall rooms will be inspected by the Residence Life Office for general maintenance purposes each time a student moves in or moves out of a room. Fire safety inspections of student rooms will occur at least once each semester.
Fire alarm systems will be tested and inspected under the terms of a contract administered by the Physical Plant Department.
The Health and Safety Committee may make inspections as it deems necessary. The Director of the Office of Human Resources and the Safety Officer may inspect facilities and work practices and are authorized to intervene in any situation which poses an imminent danger of injury or physical harm to any employee. Supervisors and employees are to be diligent concerning safety conditions in their immediate work areas and the safe condition of all equipment before starting a job task. Employees shall report any unsafe conditions or defective equipment to their supervisor or to the Office of Human Resources Safety Office. Supervisors are to monitor work practices and behaviors to ensure compliance with all safety rules, regulations, and personal protective equipment procedures.
Accident investigations are conducted to identify causative factors, trends, and patterns and for establishing the facts surrounding an accident. Near misses are investigated as thoroughly as accidents because they are an indication that an unsafe condition may exist.
All accidents and near misses are to be reported immediately to the next level of supervision. The first concern will be for the employee's physical well-being. As soon as possible thereafter, an investigation of the accident and the Supervisor's and Employee's First Report of Injury forms will be completed. The Office of Human Resources Safety Office will conduct the necessary training and assist the supervisors in the accident investigation process. Accident Investigation Reports are essential to the Risk Management Program because they help identify causes and contributory causes of accidents and may be used to recommend corrective actions. It is important that all key facts about an accident be obtained so that the accident reports will be accurate. In order to determine the cause of the accident, it is important to answer the key questions of who, what, where, why and how.
For serious accidents, the immediate area in which the accident occurred will be secured and inspected by University Police. Physical evidence will be collected, diagrams will be drawn or photographs taken as necessary. Witnesses will be interviewed, and their written statements will be prepared as soon as possible.
The Health and Safety Committee will review accident investigations at its monthly meeting, identifying frequent victims, determining if sufficient information is gathered and whether the procedures for planned accident investigations are being carried out correctly and completely. Recommendations for specific, practical, and effective corrective actions will be generated, evaluated, and submitted to the appropriate authorities for approval and implementation. If fraud is suspected at any time during an accident investigation, the Claims Department of the Injured Workers' Insurance Fund will be notified.
Frostburg State University will provide appropriate education and training to its employees to give them the necessary information to perform their duties in a safe manner. Employees may request education and training programs related to health and safety issues by contacting the Health and Safety Committee, either in writing or through a committee member.
The Office of Human Resources will include safety training that has general application in its staff development and training schedule. Appropriate safety literature will be included in each new employee's orientation packet.
The Office of Human Resources Safety Office will conduct a monthly safety training session that is designed for the safety concerns of the Physical Plant Department and all campus community employees.
Driver Improvement Training will be presented by the University Police at a level consistent with USM and other public policy.
The Residence Life Office will train student employees in safety matters, especially fire safety and crisis resolution. Training records will include training dates, topics covered and the names of employees in attendance. If appropriate, supervisors may require employees to demonstrate the procedures taught. Supervisors may refer employees for additional training as necessary.
Health and Safety training will be evaluated in accordance with Risk Management Evaluation Program procedures.
Accurate documentation of incidents and accidents allows for identifying corrective action to be taken that may reduce the number and/or severity of work-related illnesses or injuries. The Office of Human Resources will develop accident reports and record keeping procedures that reflect accurate, useful information for analysis and implementation of corrective action, and as a record for use in the adjudication of prospective claims.
Each supervisor will be provided with a number of accident report packets and instructions.
Information to be included in such reports and records is:
- Significant facts - who, what, when, where, how and why;
- Factors that may have contributed to the accident;
- Type of injury, part of body injured, severity of injury;
- Information about third party contributors to the accident;
- On-site first aid or medical service provided, as well as referrals to community health providers.
Accident report forms are to be completed and signed by the employee's supervisor immediately following the accident but after the employee has received all appropriate attention. Witnesses to the accident may be required to sign written accounts. Any employee who renders first aid to another employee will be required to indicate what type of first aid was provided and to furnish a written account.
Completed and signed accident report forms will be submitted to the Office of Human Resources for review, analysis and distribution to appropriate agencies and offices. The Office of Human Resources will report the accident to the Injured Workers Insurance Fund.
The Health and Safety Committee will evaluate accident reports and record keeping procedures to determine:
- Whether accident investigations are result in the amount and type of information needed for resolving the incident.
- If information required by outside agencies is available and sufficient.
- Whether there is sufficient information to determine cause factors.
- If information is complete enough to develop preventive measures.
- If questions go unanswered that might be addressed if forms are modified. Proposed changes to accident reporting forms may be submitted in writing to the Health and Safety Committee for evaluation. The Committee's recommendations will then be submitted to the Risk Management Committee for review and approval. All changes will be announced in campus publications. Revised forms will have revision numbers clearly noted. All earlier versions will be discarded or recycled.
The Quarterly Statistical Reports issued by the Injured Workers' Insurance Fund are the basis for statistical analysis of work-related accidents involving FSU employees. The Office of Human Resources will review and circulate the quarterly report to the Health and Safety Committee and the Risk Management Committee without the individual name being noted. The "Watch List" report and "Three or More Injuries" report will be circulated to supervisors of departments whose members appear thereon.
Record keeping that is directly associated with employee accidents, such as the OSHA 200 Log, Workers' Compensation Forms or the Employer's First Report of Injury, will be the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources. Record keeping that is necessary to evaluate institutional compliance with the Risk Management Program is also the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources.
The Health and Safety Committee is the primary advisory group to the Risk Management Committee on matters pertaining to accident and injury prevention, reduction, and management.
To encourage fresh approaches to safety issues, committee members serve a one-year term. Subsequent terms for incumbent members may be authorized by the Risk Management Committee. Meetings will be held at least monthly. Minutes will be kept and circulated to members and to the Risk Management Committee.
The Health and Safety Committee is responsible for:
- Recommending that adequate health and safety rules and regulations are implemented and monitored.
- Reviewing and monitoring potential risks and hazards that exist in the work environment, including unsafe work practices, and making recommendations for their elimination or reduction.
- Monitoring and evaluating the need for health and safety training for employees. Reviewing accident records and statistics in order to determine the need for corrective action.
- Cross reference of policies on program staffing, health and safety inspections, program evaluation and current accidents.
Whenever possible, administrative and/or engineering controls will be used to reduce the risk of personal injury to employees at work. When administrative or engineering controls are not or cannot be used to reduce risks to reasonable levels, personal protective equipment and procedures are required.
Department Responsibilities. Each department will identify the tasks it performs and which, if any, require the use of personal protective equipment or procedures. Employees will be trained regarding personal protective equipment and procedures. Written work rules will be developed for each task requiring personal protective equipment or procedures and a copy of the work rules will be filed with the Office of Human Resources Safety Office.
Office of Human Resources Safety Office Responsibilities.
The Office of Human Resources Safety Office will provide consultation to departments requiring information on personal protective equipment or procedures. For copies of the proper use of personal protective equipment and safety procedures, call x4897.
Frostburg State University will establish medical and health services to help assure that employees incapacitated by work related illnesses and injuries are able to safely return to work as quickly as possible. The university will contract with a medical provider for initial evaluation of workplace injuries. The medical provider will also offer treatment to the injured employee.
Light or modified duty work assignments and activities will be used to bring injured employees back to work before they are medically certified to assume their usual job responsibilities. Light or modified duty assignments will be made under the authority of, and consistent with, the University System of Maryland Policy.
When time loss exceeds reasonable expectation or there is reasonable cause to believe the employee is misusing leave or worker's compensation benefits, a second medical opinion by a physician selected by Frostburg State University or the Injured Worker's Insurance Fund will be required.
Supervisors will maintain contact with the injured employee to demonstrate the university's sincere interest in the employee's recovery needs. Such contact will be made at least once per pay period.
Medical monitoring will be provided for Level II Asbestos Workers according to the schedule set by the Maryland Asbestos Program. Medical monitoring will also be provided as specified in the Frostburg State University Chemical Hygiene Plan, Bloodborne Pathogens Plan, and the Respiratory Program.
The Frostburg State University Emergency Preparedness Procedure has as its goals:
- To save lives, reduce injuries and minimize property and environmental damage in the event of a major emergency.
- To coordinate communication between university departments and between the university, outside agencies and the general public in the event of a natural or man-made emergency.
- To restore essential university functions as rapidly as is reasonable and as safely as possible.
The Frostburg State University Emergency Preparedness Procedure consists of the following documents, policies, procedures, or items:
- FSU Administrative Policy Manual
- FSU Employee Safety Programs and Risk Management Manual
- FSU General Emergency Protocols and Procedures
- FSU Facilities Department Procedures
- Fire Alarm Procedures for Academic and Administrative Buildings
- Fire Alarm Procedures for Residence Halls
- USM Police Policies and Procedures Guidelines
- Inclement Weather Closing Procedures Guidelines
- Snow Emergency/Snow Removal Plan
- Natural Gas Line Leak Plan
- Emergency Call-Out Procedures
- Allegany County Civil Defense Emergency Operations Plan
- Applicable State and Federal Laws, Rules, and Regulations
It shall be the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources Safety Office, Director of Facilities, and the University Police Chief to periodically review and evaluate the Emergency Preparedness Procedure and to recommend revisions and improvements to the Risk Management Committee.
Frostburg State University's preventive maintenance program is intended to reduce preventable injuries and illnesses. Each department shall establish an individualized preventive maintenance program. Department heads and chairs shall designate responsible persons who will establish objectives, plan, initiate and evaluate programs for their respective areas.
First priority must always be to repair noticeable and dangerous hazards related to furniture and equipment. As budgets and physical plant and maintenance priorities permit, the university will endeavor to abide by a schedule of preventive maintenance.
The program shall include:
- A departmental inventory and assessment of all essential facilities, materials, machinery, and equipment subject to a preventive maintenance schedule.
- A preventive maintenance schedule.
- A preventive maintenance procedure, including job methods, time required, materials, tools, equipment, manufacturer's recommendations, procurement, record-keeping, equipment lockout, and proper authorizations.
- A statement that it shall be each individual employee's responsibility to identify potential hazards to the best of their ability and training and to report such circumstances to the responsible person.
The individual department's preventive maintenance program shall be reviewed, approved, and subsequently monitored by the Office of Human Resources Safety Office. For copies of the preventive maintenance check list call extension 4897.
Safe practices and accident reduction are directly related to employee attitude and awareness. To encourage safety consciousness, the Office of Human Resources will conduct an on-going publicity campaign that will include the use of posters, buttons, signs, announcements, and news releases, (visual and verbal) recognition and other incentives to keep safety in the forefront of workers' hearts and minds. Department heads and chairs will make space available in their areas for safety promotion items.
The primary document for conveying fire, safety and health procedures is the publication titled, Employee Safety Programs and Risk Management Manual. This manual contains standards, rules, regulations, and guidelines which form the fiber of the FSU Safety and Accident Prevention Program.
Until a new revision is distributed, the Office of Human Resources Safety Office will announce any changes to procedures, rules, standards, regulations and guidelines in the campus State Lines and the Employee Newsletter, Safety Corner. Fire alarm procedures are included in the employee safety and risk management manual and the residence hall guide. They are also sent to the community as an individual mailer at the start of each academic year. Laboratory safety procedures are separately described in the Frostburg State University Chemical Hygiene Plan. Procedures for those with potential occupational exposure to blood and other human bodily fluids are described in the Frostburg State University Bloodborne Pathogens Plan.
Additional procedures may be developed and promulgated as needs or regulations dictate. Current procedures are subject to revision as specified by regulations or upon the recommendations of the Health and Safety Committee and the Risk Management Committee or the Office of Human Resources Safety Office.
Many problems that impact health and safety on the job originate outside the work environment. Personal problems may result in poor work performance, absenteeism, and accidents. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to provide a confidential, experienced source of help for employees whose personal problems are affecting their lives and job performance.
Frostburg State University supports the State Employee Assistance Program by:
- Advising employees about the existence of the program and the availability of its services, and;
- Encouraging supervisors to make referrals to the program.
The Employee Assistance Program is coordinated by the Office of Human Resources. For more information call x- 4398.
In order to provide an effective evaluation of the University's Risk Management Program and to comply with the requirements of the State's SERMA program, the following shall be achieved:
The University's Health and Safety Committee will review the following information:
All accident reports will be analyzed monthly. The Committee will discuss all accidents and statistics to determine if sufficient information is available to identify trends, suggest ways of preventing accidents, identify repeat victims, and suggest corrective actions such as education and training, reassignment of duties, etc. In the event correctable accident areas are identified, the Committee will generate a work order and/or appropriate notification to correct such problems. Follow-up procedures or reports may be required by the Committee until it is satisfied that all aspects of such changes have been implemented and are producing the desired results.
The Committee will review the statistics provided by SERMA on injuries/accidents (number, type, time loss, body part, injury, associated costs and trends) on a quarterly basis. Upon reviewing the above-mentioned information, the Health and Safety Committee will submit policy recommendations and/or procedural changes to the Risk Management Executive Committee for review and action. This information will be discussed at the Health and Safety Committee meetings and recommendations will be forwarded for appropriate action to the Risk Management Executive Committee.
On an annual basis, the University's Human Resources Risk Management Coordinator will participate and assist in the completion of the SERMA program evaluation audit. This report will be presented to the University's Health and Safety Committee for their review and comments before being forwarded to the Risk Management Executive Committee.
The Health and Safety Committee will meet to analyze these records and make recommendations on increasing the efficiency of the program. All such recommendations will be presented to the Risk Management Executive Committee for review and approval. Any such changes will be communicated in writing to all employees.
All information produced in the program evaluation will be available for review by the Health and Safety Committee and the Human Resources Risk Management Coordinator. Based on this review, any additions and/or modifications to the program will be implemented as necessary.